Each round after detectives and traitors are chosen, some of the remaining players may be chosen as independents. The following ConVars can be used to configure the requirements and restrictions on how independents spawn.

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_independent_chance 0.5 Float (0-1) The chance that a single independent (or jester if ttt_single_jester_independent is enabled) will spawn in a round. (Requires ttt_multiple_jesters_independents to be disabled.)
ttt_single_jester_independent 1 Boolean Whether only a single jester or independent should spawn in a round.
ttt_single_jester_independent_max_players 0 Integer The maximum players to have only a single jester or independent spawn in a row. If there are more players than this both a jester and an independent can spawn in the same round. (Set to 0 to disable. Requires ttt_single_jester_independent to be enabled.)
ttt_multiple_jesters_independents 0 Boolean Whether more than one jester/independent should be allowed to spawn in each round. (Enabling this will ignore ttt_independent_chance, ttt_jester_chance, ttt_single_jester_independent, and ttt_single_jester_independent_max_players.)
ttt_jester_independent_max 2 Integer The maximum number of players that can spawn as a jester or independent. (Requires ttt_multiple_jesters_independents to be enabled.)
ttt_jester_independent_pct 0.13 Float (0-1) Percentage of players, rounded up, that have the chance to spawn as a jester or independent. (Requires ttt_multiple_jesters_independents to be enabled.)
ttt_jester_independent_chance 0.5 Float (0-1) The chance that a jester or independent will spawn in each individual slot made by ttt_jester_independent_pct. (Requires ttt_multiple_jesters_independents to be enabled.)

Example: ttt_independent_chance is 0.5, ttt_single_jester_independent is 1, and ttt_single_jester_independent_max_players is 0 as per the default values above. As ttt_single_jester_independent is set to 1 there can only be a single jester or independent in each round. This means there is a 50% chance that a jester or independent will spawn in the round as ttt_independent_chance is set to 0.5. If ttt_single_jester_independent were instead set to 0, there is a 50% chance that an independent will spawn in the round and this independent could spawn in addition to a jester, but there will only ever be one of each. If ttt_single_jester_independent_max_players were now set to 8, this would mean that in games with 8 or less players only a single jester or independent could spawn, but in games with 9 or more players there is a chance for both a jester and an independent to spawn.

If ttt_multiple_jesters_independents was set to 1, ttt_independent_chance, ttt_single_jester_independent, and ttt_single_jester_independent_max_players would all be ignored and the jester and independent roles are combined into one group. In this example there are eight players in the game, ttt_jester_independent_pct is 0.13, and ttt_jester_independent_chance is 0.5 as per the default values above. At most 13% of players (rounded up) can be jesters or independents as ttt_jester_independent_pct is set to 0.13. This means that there will be at most two jesters or independents. However, each of those players only has a 50% chance to be a jester or independent as ttt_jester_independent_chance is set to 0.5. This means it is possible for the round to have zero, one, or two jesters and independents. All remaining players who have not had a role assigned will be part of the innocent or monster teams.

If you always wanted the same number of jesters and independents in each round with no variation, set ttt_jester_independent_chance to 1. Setting either ttt_jester_independent_pct or ttt_jester_independent_chance to 0 will make it impossible for jesters and independents to spawn while ttt_multiple_jesters_independents is enabled.

Additionally, the following miscellaneous ConVars can be used to configure options that apply to all independents.

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_independents_trigger_traitor_testers 0 Boolean Whether independents trigger traitor testers as if they were traitors.

Instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page, and ConVars specific to configuring each role can be found below.

When designing roles it is important to make sure your role is part of the correct team. Each team has a unique identity along with strengths and weaknesses that play better with some roles than others. If you are designing an independent role, keep the following in mind:

Independents should:
  • Have unique win conditions, secondary win conditions, or some way of changing into a role that has a win condition.
  • Have some interesting mechanic or ability to help them toward their win condition or help with changing into a role that has a win condition.
  • Have a config option to be a part of the monster team instead if the role is a thematic fit.
Independents should NOT:
  • Rely on other players. Independents are independent after all and they generally have no team and no allies. If the role relies on other players, consider making them a traitor instead.

These are just guidelines and in some special circumstances a role might be best fit as an independent even if it doesn't align with the above suggestions. However, in general following these suggestions will ensure that your role works well within the framework that Custom Roles for TTT provides.

A walkthrough for creating your own role can be found on the Create Your Own Role tutorial page.


The Arsonist can douse players and set them on fire. They win if they are the last player alive.

They can douse players in gasoline by standing near them and then set them on fire using their igniter weapon once all other players have all been doused. If ttt_arsonist_early_ignite is enabled, the igniter weapon can be used at any time, but keep in mind it can only be used once.

Players are notified when they are doused after a configurable delay (see ttt_arsonist_douse_notify_delay_min and ttt_arsonist_douse_notify_delay_max below). This is to encourage Arsonists to be sneaky or blend in with other players to disguise themselves.

Dead players' corpses can also be doused and will be ignited with living doused players. Dousing all corpses is not required to activate the igniter when ttt_arsonist_early_ignite is disabled.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_arsonist_can_see_jesters 1 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via overhead icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to the Arsonist.
ttt_arsonist_douse_cooldown 3 Integer The amount of time (in seconds) the Arsonist's douse goes on cooldown for after they lose their target.
ttt_arsonist_corpse_ignite_time 10 Integer The amount of time in seconds to ignite doused dead player corpses for before destroying them.
ttt_arsonist_douse_corpses 1 Boolean Whether the Arsonist can douse corpses of dead players to destroy their bodies.
ttt_arsonist_douse_distance 250 Integer The maximum distance away the dousing target can be.
ttt_arsonist_douse_float_time 1 Integer The amount of time (in seconds) it takes for the Arsonist to lose their target after getting out of range.
ttt_arsonist_douse_notify_delay_max 30 Integer The maximum delay before a player is notified they've been doused.
ttt_arsonist_douse_notify_delay_min 10 Integer The minimum delay before a player is notified they've been doused.
ttt_arsonist_douse_require_los 1 Boolean Whether the Arsonist requires line of sight with their target in order to douse them.
ttt_arsonist_douse_time 8 Integer The amount of time in seconds the Arsonist takes to douse someone.
ttt_arsonist_early_ignite 0 Boolean Whether to allow the Arsonist to use their igniter without dousing everyone first.
ttt_arsonist_ignite_on_death 0 Boolean Whether to allow the arsonist to enable automatic triggering of their igniter on death
ttt_arsonist_ignite_on_death_timer 0 Integer How long after the arsonist's death to trigger their igniter. Set to 0 to trigger instantly
ttt_arsonist_ignite_on_death_notify 1 Boolean Whether to notify other players that the arsonist's igniter is going to be triggered
ttt_arsonist_update_scoreboard 1 Boolean Whether the Arsonist shows dead players as missing in action.
ttt_detectives_search_only_arsonistdouse 0 Boolean Whether only detectives can see information about whether a corpse was doused by an Arsonist and when. Once a detective searches a body, this information will be available to all players. (Requires ttt_detectives_search_only to be disabled.)

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Drunk has forgotten their role and remembers after enough time passes or when there are no members of the innocent team or traitor team left alive.

If there is only one team remaining, the Drunk will instantly sober up and remember they are.

After some time has passed (configurable by the ttt_drunk_sober_time ConVar) and the round has not ended, the Drunk will sober up and remember what role they are.

Which role the Drunk becomes depends on the situation and various ConVars (For example, ttt_drunk_any_role, ttt_drunk_can_be_*, ttt_drunk_become_clown, ttt_drunk_innocent_chance, and ttt_drunk_join_losing_team). By default, the Drunk will join the losing team and become their most basic role (e.g. the Innocent for the innocent team and the Traitor for the traitor team) in the case of the round ending. If the Drunk is remembering their role due to the sober timer running out, they have a 70% chance of becoming an Innocent and, therefore, a 30% chance of becoming a Traitor.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_drunk_any_role 0 Boolean Whether the Drunk can become any enabled role other than theDrunk, the Glitch, or roles that were already used this round. (The ttt_drunk_can_be_* ConVars can be used to prevent the Drunk from becoming specific roles.)
ttt_drunk_can_be_* 1 Boolean Whether the Drunk can become a specific role when they sober up. Replace * with the name of the role you want to configure without spaces or capital letters. (Requires ttt_drunk_any_role to be enabled. The Drunk, Evil Twin, Good Twin, and Glitch cannot be configured in this way.)
ttt_drunk_any_role_include_disabled 0 Boolean Whether disabled roles should be included in the list of possible roles for the Drunk to sober up to. (Requires ttt_drunk_any_role to be enabled.)
ttt_drunk_become_clown 0 Boolean Whether the Drunk should become a Clown instead of joining the losing team if the round would end before they sober up.
ttt_drunk_can_see_jesters 0 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via overhead icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to the Drunk.
ttt_drunk_innocent_chance 0.7 Float (0-1) Chance that the Drunk will become an innocent role when remembering their role.
ttt_drunk_join_losing_team 0 Boolean Whether the Drunk should join the losing team when their sober timer runs out. (This isn't 100% accurate as we can't know for sure which team is losing but we can try based on the available information.)
ttt_drunk_notify_mode 0 Integer (0-4) The logic to use when notifying players that a Drunk has sobered up:
  1. Don't notify anyone.
  2. Only notify traitors and detective.
  3. Only notify traitors.
  4. Only notify detective.
  5. Notify everyone.
ttt_drunk_sober_time 180 Integer Time in seconds for the Drunk to remember their role.
ttt_drunk_traitor_chance 0 Float (0-1) Chance that the Drunk will become a traitor role when remembering their role. If disabled, player chance of becoming a traitor is equal to every other non-innocent role. (Requires ttt_drunk_any_role to be disabled.)
ttt_drunk_update_scoreboard 0 Boolean Whether the Drunk shows dead players as missing in action.
ttt_single_drunk_clown 0 Boolean Whether only a single Drunk or Clown should spawn in a round.
ttt_single_drunk_clown_chance 0.5 Float (0-1) The chance that a Drunk should have an opportunity to spawn instead of a Clown. (e.g. 0.7 = 70% chance forDrunk, 30% chance for Clown. Requires ttt_single_drunk_clown to be enabled.)

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Hive Mind can assimilate other players into the Hive Mind, gaining access to their shop items and sharing a health pool as they do. They win by assimilating all living players.

Players killed by the Hive Mind will be assimilated and will respawn as part of the Hive Mind.

When a player with a shop is assimilated, their available shop items are added to the Hive Mind's shop.

All members of the Hive Mind have a shared pool of health -- gaining members increases the collective's maximum health and any healing or damage done to one member affects them all.

The Hive Mind also has a shared pool of credits -- gaining or spending credits affects the collective.

When each new member joins the Hive Mind, the collective is healed by a percentage of the new member's former maximum health. By default it is 25%, but that value is configurable via the ttt_hivemind_join_heal_pct ConVar.

Members of the Hive Mind can identify each other through walls by a highlight, but that can be removed by disabling the ttt_hivemind_vision_enabled ConVar.

By default, members of the Hive Mind cannot damage each other but this behavior can be changed via the ttt_hivemind_friendly_fire ConVar.

Health regeneration can be enabled for the Hive Mind and adjusted via the ttt_hivemind_regen_timer, ttt_hivemind_regen_per_member_amt, and ttt_hivemind_regen_max_pct ConVars.

The Hive Mind can optionally be part of the monster team instead of being an independent by enabling ttt_hivemind_is_monster.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_hivemind_can_see_jesters 1 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via overhead icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to the Hive Mind.
ttt_hivemind_block_environmental 0 Boolean Whether to block environmental damage to the hive mind.
ttt_hivemind_chat_mode 1 Integer (0-2) How to handle chat by the hive mind:
  1. Do nothing.
  2. Force all members to duplicate when any member chats.
  3. Force all members to duplicate when only the first member chats.
ttt_hivemind_friendly_fire 0 Boolean Whether a member of the Hive Mind can damage other members of the Hive Mind.
ttt_hivemind_is_monster 0 Boolean Whether the Hive Mind should be treated as a member of the monster team.
ttt_hivemind_join_heal_pct 0.25 Float The percentage a new member's maximum health that the Hive Mind should be healed. (e.g. 0.25 = 25% of their health healed.)
ttt_hivemind_join_max_hp_pct 1 Float The percentage a new member's maximum health that the hive mind should gain (e.g. 1 = 100% of their previous max health gained)
ttt_hivemind_regen_max_pct 0.5 Float (0-1) The percentage of the Hive Mind's maximum health to heal them up to. (e.g. 0.5 = 50% of their max health.)
ttt_hivemind_regen_per_member_amt 1 Integer The amount of health per-member of the Hive Mind that they should regenerate over time.
ttt_hivemind_regen_timer 0 Integer The amount of time in seconds between each health regeneration.
ttt_hivemind_shop_mode 0 Integer (0-4) What additional items are available to the Hive Mind in the shop:
  1. (Disabled) Nothing.
  2. (Union) Weapons available to either the Traitor or the Detective.
  3. (Intersect) Only weapons available to both the Traitor and the Detective.
  4. (Detective) All weapons available to the Detective.
  5. (Traitor) All weapons available to the Traitor.
ttt_hivemind_update_scoreboard 1 Boolean Whether the Hive Mind shows dead players as missing in action.
ttt_hivemind_vision_enabled 1 Boolean Whether the Hive Mind's member highlighting is enabled.

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Killer spawns with a knife and throwable crowbar. They win if they are the last player alive.

When ttt_killer_warn_all is enabled, all players are warned when there is Killer in the game.

They are given a knife that does high damage to aid in their slaughter. This knife can be disabled by changing ttt_killer_knife_enabled and adjusted by ttt_killer_knife_damage and ttt_killer_knife_delay.

They have a special crowbar that can be thrown. It can be disabled by changing ttt_killer_crowbar_enabled and adjusted by ttt_killer_crowbar_damage and ttt_killer_crowbar_thrown_damage.

If they don't kill often enough they will begin to smoke, alerting the other players. The Killer will be warned in chat in advance of the smoke starting, and the smoke can be disabled by changing ttt_killer_smoke_enabled.

The Killer's blood lust helps them see their targets through walls by highlighting their enemies unless ttt_killer_vision_enabled is disabled.

Their targets can also be identified by the skull icon floating over their heads, which can be disabled by changing ttt_killer_show_target_icon.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_killer_can_see_jesters 1 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via overhead icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to the Killer.
ttt_killer_credits_award_pct 0.35 Float (0-1) When this percentage of non-jester players are dead, Killers are awarded a number of credits equal to ttt_killer_credits_award_size.
ttt_killer_credits_award_repeat 1 Boolean Whether the credit award determined by ttt_killer_credits_award_pct and ttt_killer_credits_award_size is handed out multiple times. (e.g. If ttt_killer_credits_award_pct is 0.25, Killers will be awarded credits at 25% killed, 50% killed, and 75% killed.)
ttt_killer_credits_award_size 1 Integer The number of credits awarded to Killers when the percentage determined by ttt_killer_credits_award_pct of non-jester players are dead.
ttt_killer_credits_starting 2 Integer The number of credits a Killer should start with.
ttt_killer_crowbar_damage 20 Integer How much damage the crowbar should do when the Killer bashes another player with it. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_killer_crowbar_enabled 1 Boolean Whether the Killer throwable crowbar is enabled.
ttt_killer_crowbar_thrown_damage 50 Integer How much damage the crowbar should do when the Killer throws it at another player. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_killer_damage_penalty 0.25 Float (0-1) The fraction a Killer's damage will be scaled by when they are attacking without using their knife. (e.g. 0.5 = 50% less damage.)
ttt_killer_damage_reduction 0 Float (0-1) The fraction an attacker's bullet damage will be reduced by when they are shooting a Killer. (e.g. 0.5 = 50% less damage.)
ttt_killer_knife_damage 65 Integer How much damage the Killer's knife does. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_killer_knife_delay 0.8 Float The amount of time between knife attacks for a Killer. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_killer_knife_enabled 1 Boolean Whether the Killer's knife is enabled.
ttt_killer_shop_mode 0 Integer (0-4) What additional items are available to the Killer in the shop:
  1. (Disabled) Nothing.
  2. (Union) Weapons available to either the Traitor or the Detective.
  3. (Intersect) Only weapons available to both the Traitor and the Detective.
  4. (Detective) All weapons available to the Detective.
  5. (Traitor) All weapons available to the Traitor.
ttt_killer_show_target_icon 1 Boolean Whether Killers have an icon over other players' heads showing who to kill. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_killer_smoke_enabled 1 Boolean Whether the Killer smoke is enabled.
ttt_killer_smoke_timer 60 Integer Number of seconds before a Killer will start to smoke after their last kill.
ttt_killer_update_scoreboard 1 Boolean Whether the Killer shows dead players as missing in action.
ttt_killer_vision_enabled 1 Boolean Whether Killers have their special vision highlights enabled.
ttt_killer_warn_all 0 Boolean Whether to warn all players if there is a Killer. If 0, only traitors will be warned.

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Mad Scientist can use their zombification device to revive players as Zombies. They win when everyone is either dead, a Mad Scientist or a Zombie.

When ttt_madscientist_respawn_enabled is enabled, the Mad Scientist will respawn as a Zombie thrall when killed.

The Mad Scientist can optionally be part of the monster team instead of being an independent by enabling ttt_madscientist_is_monster. However, the Mad Scientist will only be able to spawn if the Mad Scientist and the Zombie are part of the same team.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_madscientist_can_see_jesters 1 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via overhead icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to the Mad Scientist. (Requires ttt_madscientist_is_monster to be disabled.)
ttt_madscientist_device_time 4 Integer The amount of time in seconds the Mad Scientist's device takes to use.
ttt_madscientist_is_monster 0 Boolean Whether the Mad Scientist should be treated as a member of the monster team.
ttt_madscientist_respawn_enabled 0 Boolean Whether the Mad Scientist should respawn as a Zombie when they are killed.
ttt_madscientist_update_scoreboard 1 Boolean Whether the Mad Scientist shows dead players as missing in action. (Requires ttt_madscientist_is_monster to be disabled.)

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Old Man has barely any health and is given a short invulnerability period and a double barrel shotgun when they are about to die. They win if they can survive until the end of the round.

The Old Man's adrenaline rush can be adjusted by changing ttt_oldman_adrenaline_rush, ttt_oldman_adrenaline_ramble, ttt_oldman_adrenaline_shotgun, or ttt_oldman_adrenaline_shotgun_damage ConVars.

If having the Old Man start with a low amount of health (as is the default) is not desirable, their starting health can be changed via the ttt_oldman_starting_health ConVar. To keep the urgency of the role, ttt_oldman_drain_health_to can be set to cause their health to slowly drain over time.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_oldman_adrenaline_ramble 1 Boolean Whether the rambling speech sound plays when the Old Man is having their adrenaline rush.
ttt_oldman_adrenaline_rush 5 Integer The time in seconds the Old Man's adrenaline rush lasts for. (Set to 0 to disable.)
ttt_oldman_adrenaline_shotgun 1 Boolean Whether the Old Man is given a double barrel shotgun when their adrenaline rush is triggered.
ttt_oldman_adrenaline_shotgun_damage 10 Integer How much damage the double barrel shotgun should do.
ttt_oldman_can_see_jesters 0 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via overhead icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to the Old Man.
ttt_oldman_drain_health_to 0 Integer The amount of health to drain the Old Man down to. (Set to 0 to disable.)
ttt_oldman_hide_when_active 0 Boolean Whether the Old Man should be hidden from other players' overhead icons when their adrenaline rush is triggered. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_oldman_update_scoreboard 0 Boolean Whether the Old Man shows dead players as missing in action.

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Plaguemaster uses their dart gun to start a deadly plague which spreads from player to player.

The plague is spread between players when they are within ttt_plaguemaster_spread_distance units of each other for ttt_plaguemaster_spread_time seconds.

A player with the plague will succumb to the plague and die after ttt_plaguemaster_plague_length seconds.

ttt_plaguemaster_warning_time seconds before their death, a player with the plague will be warned of their coming demise.

The plague can be removed from a single player if a cure is used on them. Cures can be bought by Detectives and Doctors by default.

By default, the Plaguemaster is immune to the plague, but this can be adjusted with ttt_plaguemaster_immune.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_plaguemaster_body_search_mode 0 Integer (0-2) Whether dead bodies reveal if they had the plague when searched:
  1. Don't show.
  2. Show if died from plague.
  3. Show if infected with plague.
ttt_plaguemaster_can_see_jesters 0 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via head icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to the Plaguemaster.
ttt_plaguemaster_dart_replace_timer   0 Integer How long (in seconds) after the plaguemaster's infection dies out before they should receive another dart gun. Set to 0 to disable.
ttt_plaguemaster_immune 1 Boolean Whether the Plaguemaster is immune to the plague.
ttt_plaguemaster_plague_length 180 Integer How long (in seconds) before a player with the plague dies.
ttt_plaguemaster_spread_distance 500 Integer The maximum distance away a player can be and still be infected.
ttt_plaguemaster_spread_require_los 1 Boolean Whether players need to be in line-of-sight of a target to spread the plague.
ttt_plaguemaster_spread_time 5 Integer How long (in seconds) someone with the plague needs to be near someone else before it spreads.
ttt_plaguemaster_update_scoreboard 1 Boolean Whether the Plaguemaster shows dead players as missing in action.
ttt_plaguemaster_warning_time 30 Integer How long (in seconds) before dying to the plague that the target should be warned. Set to 0 to disable.

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Shadow needs to stay close to their target or they will die. If they stay can close to their target for long enough they join their team. They win if they can survive until the end of the round.

By default, the Shadow is automatically killed if they kill their target, but this behavior can be adjusted by changing the ttt_shadow_soul_link ConVar.

Shadows can see their target highlighted through walls and are given limited time to find and stay with their target. If they fail to find their target or spend too much time away from them once they are found, the Shadow is killed.

If their target dies, the Shadow still need to stay close to their body. Staying too far away from their body for too long will cause the Shadow to be punished as configured by the ttt_shadow_failure_mode ConVar. By default, they are killed.

ttt_shadow_weaken_health_to can be set to have the Shadow have their health temporarily drain while away from their target instead, if that is desired.

The Shadow is configured to have a movement speed and sprint stamina regeneration buff that increases the further away from their target they are. This makes it easier for the Shadow to get to their target, even on larger maps. The bonuses can be changed via the ttt_shadow_speed_mult, ttt_shadow_speed_mult_max, ttt_shadow_sprint_recovery, and ttt_shadow_sprint_recovery_max ConVars.

When the Shadow has spent enough time with their target, they will join their team and help fight as their ally. This behavior can be changed or adjusted via the ConVars that start with ttt_shadow_target_buff.

The Shadow can optionally be part of the jester team instead of being an independent by enabling ttt_shadow_is_jester.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_shadow_alive_radius 8 Float The radius in meters from the living target that the Shadow has to stay within.
ttt_shadow_buffer_timer 7 Integer How much time in seconds the Shadow can stay out of their target's radius without dying.
ttt_shadow_can_see_jesters 0 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via overhead icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to the Shadow.
ttt_shadow_dead_radius 3 Float The radius in meters from the death target that the Shadow has to stay within.
ttt_shadow_delay_timer_max 0 Integer Maximum time in seconds before the Shadow is assigned a target at the start of the round.
ttt_shadow_delay_timer_min 0 Integer Minimum time in seconds before the Shadow is assigned a target at the start of the round.
ttt_shadow_failure_mode 0 Integer (0-2) How to handle the Shadow failing to stay near their target:
  1. Kill them.
  2. Change them to be a Jester.
  3. Change them to be a Swapper.
ttt_shadow_soul_link 0 Integer (0-2) Whether the Shadow's soul should be linked to their target.
  1. Disable.
  2. Both Shadow and target die if either is killed.
  3. The Shadow dies if their target is killed.
ttt_shadow_speed_mult 1.1 Float The minimum multiplier to use on the Shadow's sprint speed when they are outside of their target radius. (e.g. 1.1 = 110% normal speed.)
ttt_shadow_speed_mult_max 1.5 Float The maximum multiplier to use on the Shadow's sprint speed when they are FAR outside of their target radius. (e.g. 1.5 = 150% normal speed.)
ttt_shadow_sprint_recovery 0.1 Float The minimum amount of stamina to recover per tick when the Shadow is outside of their target radius.
ttt_shadow_sprint_recovery_max 0.5 Float The maximum amount of stamina to recover per tick when the Shadow is FAR outside of their target radius.
ttt_shadow_start_timer 30 Integer How much time in seconds the Shadow has to find their target at the start of the round.
ttt_shadow_target_buff 4 Integer (0-4) The type of buff the Shadow should get while near their target for enough time:
  1. None.
  2. Heal over time.
  3. Single respawn.
  4. Damage bonus.
  5. Team join.
  6. Kill target and steal their role. NOTE: When using this setting, the Shadow no longer has a win condition
ttt_shadow_target_buff_show_progress 1 Boolean Whether to show a progress bar for the when the shadow's buff will be activated
ttt_shadow_target_buff_damage_bonus 0.15 Float Damage bonus the Shadow's target should get. (e.g. 0.15 = 15% extra damage.)
ttt_shadow_target_buff_delay 90 Integer How long in seconds the Shadow needs to be near their target before the buff takes effect.
ttt_shadow_target_buff_heal_amount 5 Integer The amount of health the Shadow's target should be healed per-interval.
ttt_shadow_target_buff_heal_interval 10 Integer How often in seconds the Shadow's target should be healed.
ttt_shadow_target_buff_notify 0 Boolean Whether the Shadow's target should be notified when they are buffed.
ttt_shadow_target_buff_respawn_delay 10 Integer How often in seconds before the Shadow's target should respawn.
ttt_shadow_target_buff_resumable 0 Boolean Whether the shadow's buff should retain progress if they move away from their target.
ttt_shadow_target_buff_role_copy 0 Boolean Whether the Shadow should instead copy the role of their target if the team join buff is enabled.
ttt_shadow_target_independent 1 Boolean Whether the Shadow should be able to target an independent player.
ttt_shadow_target_jester 1 Boolean Whether the Shadow should be able to target a member of the jester team.
ttt_shadow_target_monster 1 Boolean Whether the Shadow should be able to target a member of the monster team.
ttt_shadow_target_traitor 1 Boolean Whether the Shadow should be able to target a member of the traitor team.
ttt_shadow_target_notify_mode 0 Integer (0-2) How the Shadow's target should be notified they have a Shadow:
  1. Don't notify.
  2. Anonymously notify.
  3. Identify the Shadow.
ttt_shadow_update_scoreboard 0 Boolean Whether the Shadow shows dead players as missing in action.
ttt_shadow_weaken_health_to 0 Integer How low to reduce the Shadow's health to when they are outside of the target circle instead of their normal punishment. (Setting to 0 will use ttt_shadow_failure_mode instead.)
ttt_shadow_weaken_timer 3 Integer How often in seconds to adjust the Shadow's health when they are outside of the target circle.

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Zombie can turn other players into Zombies with their claws. They win when everyone is either dead, a Mad Scientist or a Zombie.

Killing a player with their claws will turn the target into a Zombie thrall.

By using the secondary attack with the claws, Zombies can leap in the air to surprise their potential targets. This can be disabled by changing ttt_zombie_leap_enabled.

If the target is out of range of the claws, the Zombie can spit acid at them by pressing the reload button. This can be disabled by changing ttt_zombie_spit_enabled. Killing a player with acid spit will not convert them unless ttt_zombie_spit_convert is enabled.

When ttt_zombie_vision_enabled is enabled, their hunger for brains helps them see their targets through walls by highlighting their enemies.

If ttt_zombie_show_target_icon is enabled, their targets can also be identified by the skull icon floating over their heads.

To encourage the use of their claws, Zombies do less damage with other weapons. This can be adjusted or disabled via the ttt_zombie_damage_penalty ConVar. ttt_zombie_damage_reduction can be set to cause the Zombies to take less bullet damage from other players, allowing them to survive more easily when attacking.

Any Zombie that spawns into a round at the beginning is known as a prime Zombie. Prime Zombies are special compared to Zombie thralls (the Zombies created by the prime), in that by default only the prime Zombie can use weapons other than their claws. This behavior can be disabled via the ttt_zombie_prime_only_weapons ConVar. Furthermore, the prime Zombie does more damage and can attack faster compared to the thralls, but all of that can be adjusted by the ttt_zombie_prime_* and ttt_zombie_thrall_* ConVars (see more information below).

The Zombie has access to a shop containing a small handful of useful perks. Zombies start with no credits but receive a credit whenever they convert another player into a Zombie.

The Zombie can optionally be part of the traitor team or monster team instead of being an independent by enabling ttt_zombie_is_traitor or ttt_zombie_is_monster respectively. However, the Mad Scientist will only be able to spawn if the Mad Scientist and the Zombie are part of the same team.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_zombie_can_see_jesters 1 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via overhead icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to Zombies. (Requires ttt_zombie_is_monster and ttt_zombie_is_traitor to be disabled.)
ttt_zombie_damage_penalty 0.5 Float (0-1) The fraction a Zombie's damage will be scaled by when they are attacking without using their claws. (e.g. 0.5 = 50% less damage.)
ttt_zombie_damage_reduction 0 Float (0-1) The fraction an attacker's bullet damage will be reduced by when they are shooting a Zombie. (e.g. 0.5 = 50% less damage.)
ttt_zombie_friendly_fire 2 Integer (0-2) How to handle friendly fire damage between Zombies:
  1. Do nothing.
  2. Reflect the damage back to the attacker.
  3. Negate the damage.
ttt_zombie_is_monster 0 Boolean Whether Zombies should be treated as members of the monster team.
ttt_zombie_is_traitor 0 Boolean Whether Zombies should be treated as members of the traitors team.
ttt_zombie_leap_enabled 1 Boolean Whether Zombies have their leap attack enabled.
ttt_zombie_prime_attack_damage 65 Integer The amount of a damage a prime Zombie does with their claws. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_zombie_prime_attack_delay 0.7 Float The amount of time between claw attacks for a prime Zombie. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_zombie_prime_convert_chance 1 Float (0-1) The chance that a prime Zombie will convert other players who are killed by their claws to be Zombies as well. (Set to 0 to disable.)
ttt_zombie_prime_only_weapons 1 Boolean Whether only prime Zombies are allowed to pick up weapons.
ttt_zombie_prime_speed_bonus 0.35 Float The amount of bonus speed a prime Zombie should get when using their claws. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_zombie_respawn_block_win 0 Boolean Whether a player respawning as a Zombie blocks the round from ending, allowing them to join the winning team.
ttt_zombie_respawn_health 100 Integer The amount of health a player should respawn with when they are converted to a Zombie thrall.
ttt_zombie_round_chance 0.1 Float (0-1) The chance that a "zombie round" will occur where all players who would have been traitors are made Zombies instead. (Requires ttt_zombie_is_traitor to be enabled.)
ttt_zombie_show_target_icon 0 Boolean Whether Zombies have an icon over other players' heads showing who to kill. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_zombie_spit_enabled 1 Boolean Whether Zombies have their spit attack enabled.
ttt_zombie_spit_convert 0 Boolean Whether players killed by a spitting Zombie will be converted to be a Zombie themselves.
ttt_zombie_thrall_attack_damage 45 Integer The amount of a damage a Zombie thrall does with their claws. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_zombie_thrall_attack_delay 1.4 Float The amount of time between claw attacks for a Zombie thrall. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_zombie_thrall_convert_chance 1 Float (0-1) The chance that a Zombie thrall will convert other players who are killed by their claws to be Zombies as well. (Set to 0 to disable.)
ttt_zombie_thrall_speed_bonus 0.15 Float The amount of bonus speed a Zombie thrall should get when using their claws. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_zombie_update_scoreboard 1 Boolean Whether the Zombies show dead players as missing in action. (Requires ttt_zombie_is_monster and ttt_zombie_is_traitor to be disabled.)
ttt_zombie_vision_enabled 0 Boolean Whether Zombies have their special vision highlights enabled.

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.

The following roles can be configured to be an independent instead of their default team: Beggar, Bodysnatcher, Cupid, Infected, and Vampire.