Each round after detectives and traitors are chosen, some of the remaining players may be chosen as jesters. The following ConVars can be used to configure the requirements and restrictions on how jesters spawn.

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_independent_chance 0.5 Float (0-1) The chance that a single independent (or jester if ttt_single_jester_independent is enabled) will spawn in a round. (Requires ttt_multiple_jesters_independents to be disabled.)
ttt_jester_chance 0.5 Float (0-1) The chance that a single jester will spawn in a round. (Requires ttt_single_jester_independent and ttt_multiple_jesters_independents to be disabled.)
ttt_single_jester_independent 1 Boolean Whether only a single jester or independent should spawn in a round.
ttt_single_jester_independent_max_players 0 Integer The maximum players to have only a single jester or independent spawn in a row. If there are more players than this both a jester and an independent can spawn in the same round. (Set to 0 to disable. Requires ttt_single_jester_independent to be enabled.)
ttt_multiple_jesters_independents 0 Boolean Whether more than one jester/independent should be allowed to spawn in each round. (Enabling this will ignore ttt_independent_chance, ttt_jester_chance, ttt_single_jester_independent, and ttt_single_jester_independent_max_players.)
ttt_jester_independent_max 2 Integer The maximum number of players that can spawn as a jester or independent. (Requires ttt_multiple_jesters_independents to be enabled.)
ttt_jester_independent_pct 0.13 Float (0-1) Percentage of players, rounded up, that have the chance to spawn as a jester or independent. (Requires ttt_multiple_jesters_independents to be enabled.)
ttt_jester_independent_chance 0.5 Float (0-1) The chance that a jester or independent will spawn in each individual slot made by ttt_jester_independent_pct. (Requires ttt_multiple_jesters_independents to be enabled.)
ttt_*_notify_confetti 0 Boolean Whether to throw confetti when this role is killed. Replace * with the name of the jester role you want to configure without spaces or capital letters. (Does not apply to the Clown.)
ttt_*_notify_killer 0 Boolean Whether to notify the killer when this role is killed. Replace * with the name of the jester role you want to configure without spaces or capital letters. (Does not apply to the Clown.)
ttt_*_notify_mode 0 Integer (0-4) The logic to use when notifying players that this role is killed:
  1. Don't notify anyone.
  2. Only notify traitors and detectives.
  3. Only notify traitors.
  4. Only notify detectives.
  5. Notify everyone.
Replace * with the name of the jester role you want to configure without spaces or capital letters. (Does not apply to the Clown.)
Killer is notified unless ttt_*_notify_killer is disabled.
ttt_*_notify_sound 0 Boolean Whether to play a cheering sound when this role is killed. Replace * with the name of the jester role you want to configure without spaces or capital letters. (Does not apply to the Clown.)

Example: ttt_independent_chance is 0.5, ttt_jester_chance is 0.5, ttt_single_jester_independent is 1, and ttt_single_jester_independent_max_players is 0 as per the default values above. As ttt_single_jester_independent is set to 1 there can only be a single jester or independent in each round and ttt_jester_chance will be ignored. This means there is a 50% chance that a jester or independent will spawn in the round as ttt_independent_chance is set to 0.5. If ttt_single_jester_independent were instead set to 0, there is a 50% chance that a jester will spawn in the round as ttt_jester_chance is set to 0.5. This jester could spawn in addition to an independent, but there will only ever be one of each. If ttt_single_jester_independent_max_players were now set to 8, this would mean that in games with 8 or less players only a single jester or independent could spawn, but in games with 9 or more players there is a chance for both a jester and an independent to spawn.

If ttt_multiple_jesters_independents was set to 1, ttt_independent_chance, ttt_jester_chance, ttt_single_jester_independent, and ttt_single_jester_independent_max_players would all be ignored and the jester and independent roles are combined into one group. In this example there are eight players in the game, ttt_jester_independent_pct is 0.13, and ttt_jester_independent_chance is 0.5 as per the default values above. At most 13% of players (rounded up) can be jesters or independents as ttt_jester_independent_pct is set to 0.13. This means that there will be at most two jesters or independents. However, each of those players only has a 50% chance to be a jester or independent as ttt_jester_independent_chance is set to 0.5. This means it is possible for the round to have zero, one, or two jesters and independents. All remaining players who have not had a role assigned will be part of the innocent or monster teams.

If you always wanted the same number of jesters and independents in each round with no variation, set ttt_jester_independent_chance to 1. Setting either ttt_jester_independent_pct or ttt_jester_independent_chance to 0 will make it impossible for jesters and independents to spawn while ttt_multiple_jesters_independents is enabled.

Additionally, the following miscellaneous ConVars can be used to configure options that apply to all jesters.

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_jesters_trigger_traitor_testers 1 Boolean Whether jesters trigger traitor testers as if they were traitors.
ttt_jesters_visible_to_traitors 1 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via overhead icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to members of the traitor team.
ttt_jesters_visible_to_monsters 1 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via overhead icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to members of the monster team.
ttt_karma_jesterkill_penalty 50 Integer The karma penalty for killing the jester.
ttt_karma_jesterdmg_ratio 0.5 Float The fraction of damage dealt to jesters, that should be taken from the attacker's karma. (e.g. If a player dealt 40 damage to a jester and ttt_karma_jesterdmg_ratio is 0.5, the attacker would lose 20 karma as 40x0.5=20.)

Instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page, and ConVars specific to configuring each role can be found below.

When designing roles it is important to make sure your role is part of the correct team. Each team has a unique identity along with strengths and weaknesses that play better with some roles than others. If you are designing a jester role, keep the following in mind:

Jesters should:
  • Have a config option to be a part of the independent team instead if the role could also work as one that does damage but has no team.
  • Have unique win conditions, secondary win conditions, or some way of changing into a role that has a win condition.
  • Have some interesting mechanic or ability to help them toward their win condition or help with changing into a role that has a win condition.
Jesters should NOT:
  • Be able to damage other players. If you role relies on being able to damage other players at all times, consider the following:
    • Your role might be a better fit as an independent. In most cases independents are roles that are not on the team of any other roles that can freely do damage to other players.
    • If your role only needs to deal damage after certain criteria have been met, consider changing your role's team from jester to independent mid-round like with the Clown.

These are just guidelines and in some special circumstances a role might be best fit as a jester even if it doesn't align with the above suggestions. However, in general following these suggestions will ensure that your role works well within the framework that Custom Roles for TTT provides.

A walkthrough for creating your own role can be found on the Create Your Own Role tutorial page.


The Beggar joins someone's team and becomes an Innocent or a Traitor when they are given a shop item by another player.

The Beggar joins the team of the player that bought the item they were given, not the player who gave the Beggar the item.

When the Beggar changes team, other players are notified. The ttt_beggar_reveal_innocent and ttt_beggar_reveal_traitor ConVars configure who is notified when the Beggar becomes an Innocent or a Traitor respectively as detailed in the ConVars table below. The ttt_beggar_announce_delay can be configured to add a delay between the Beggar switching role and players being notified.

If the Beggar is killed before they have the chance to change team, they can optionally respawn or join the opposite team of the player who killed them. ttt_beggar_respawn, ttt_beggar_respawn_limit, and ttt_beggar_respawn_change_role can be configured to do this as detailed in the ConVars table below.

The Beggar can optionally have access to an Informant style scanner that can be used to learn if other players are traitors or have access to a shop. This is disabled by default but can be configured with ttt_beggar_scan.

The scanning starts as soon as the Beggar looks at another player and finishes if they can maintain line of sight for a length of time determined by ttt_beggar_scan_time. They are allowed to break line of sight for a short window of time determined by ttt_beggar_scan_float_time withing interrupting their scan, but losing line of sight for any longer will abort the scan. The scanner will then go on cooldown and be unusable for an amount of time determined by ttt_beggar_scan_cooldown.

The Beggar can optionally be an independent instead of being a jester by enabling ttt_beggar_is_independent.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_beggar_announce_delay 0 Integer How long in seconds the delay between the Beggar changing role and other players receiving an announcement should be.
ttt_beggar_can_see_jesters 0 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via overhead icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to the Beggar (Requires ttt_beggar_is_independent to be enabled.)
ttt_beggar_ignore_empty_weapons   1 Boolean Whether the Beggar should not change teams if they are given a weapon with no ammo.
ttt_beggar_ignore_empty_weapons_warning   1 Boolean Whether the Beggar should receive a chat message warning on receiving an empty weapon.
ttt_beggar_is_independent 0 Boolean Whether Beggars should be treated as members of the independent team.
ttt_beggar_keep_begging 0 Boolean Whether the Beggar is able to keep begging after joining a team, allowing them to switch teams multiple times.
ttt_beggar_respawn 0 Boolean Whether the Beggar respawns when they are killed before joining another team.
ttt_beggar_respawn_change_role 0 Boolean Whether to change the role of the respawning the Beggar. Their role will be Traitor if killed by an innocent player and Innocent otherwise. (Requires ttt_beggar_respawn to be enabled.)
ttt_beggar_respawn_delay 3 Integer The delay in seconds to use when respawning the Beggar. (Requires ttt_beggar_respawn to be enabled.)
ttt_beggar_respawn_limit 0 Integer The maximum number of times the Beggar can respawn. Set to 0 to allow infinite respawns. (Requires ttt_beggar_respawn to be enabled.)
ttt_beggar_reveal_innocent 2 Integer (0-4) Who the Beggar is revealed to when they join the innocent team:
  1. No one.
  2. Everyone.
  3. Traitors.
  4. Innocents.
  5. Roles that can see jesters.
ttt_beggar_reveal_traitor 1 Integer (0-4) Who the Beggar is revealed to when they join the traitor team:
  1. No one.
  2. Everyone.
  3. Traitors.
  4. Innocents.
  5. Roles that can see jesters.
ttt_beggar_scan 0 Integer (0-2) Whether the Beggar can scan players to see if they are traitors
  1. Disabled.
  2. Can only scan traitors.
  3. Can scan any role that has a shop.
ttt_beggar_scan_cooldown 3 Integer The amount of time in seconds the Beggar's tracker goes on cooldown for after losing it's target.
ttt_beggar_scan_distance 2500 Integer The maximum distance away the scanner target can be.
ttt_beggar_scan_float_time 1 Integer The amount of time in seconds it takes for the Beggar's scanner to lose it's target without line of sight.
ttt_beggar_scan_time 15 Integer The amount of time in seconds the Beggar's scanner takes to use.
ttt_beggar_transfer_ownership 0 Boolean Whether the ownership of a shop item should transfer each time its picked up by a non-beggar.
ttt_beggar_update_scoreboard 0 Boolean Whether the Beggar shows dead players as missing in action. (Requires ttt_beggar_is_independent to be enabled.)

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Bodysnatcher can use their bodysnatching device on a body to steal their role.

The Bodysnatcher is shown the role of any player they use the bodysnatching device on unless ttt_bodysnatcher_show_role is disabled.

Once the Bodysnatcher successfully steals a dead player's role, the body they used the bodysnatching device on is removed if ttt_bodysnatcher_destroy_body is enabled.

When the Bodysnatcher steals someone's role, other players are notified. The ttt_bodysnatcher_reveal_innocent, ttt_bodysnatcher_reveal_traitor, ttt_bodysnatcher_reveal_jester, ttt_bodysnatcher_reveal_independent, and ttt_bodysnatcher_reveal_monster ConVars configure who is notified depending on what team the Bodysnatcher joined as detailed in the ConVars table below.

If the Bodysnatcher is killed before they have the chance to change role, they can optionally respawn. ttt_bodysnatcher_respawn, ttt_bodysnatcher_respawn_delay, and ttt_bodysnatcher_respawn_limit can be configured to do this as detailed in the ConVars table below.

The Bodysnatcher can optionally be an independent instead of being a jester by enabling ttt_bodysnatcher_is_independent.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_bodysnatcher_can_see_jesters 0 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via overhead icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to the Bodysnatcher. (Requires ttt_bodysnatcher_is_independent to be enabled.)
ttt_bodysnatcher_destroy_body 0 Boolean Whether the bodysnatching device destroys the body it is used on or not.
ttt_bodysnatcher_device_time 5 Integer The amount of time in seconds the Bodysnatcher's device takes to use.
ttt_bodysnatcher_is_independent 0 Boolean Whether Bodysnatchers should be treated as members of the independent team.
ttt_bodysnatcher_respawn 0 Boolean Whether the Bodysnatcher respawns when they are killed before joining another team.
ttt_bodysnatcher_respawn_delay 3 Integer The delay in seconds to use when respawning the Bodysnatcher. (Requires ttt_bodysnatcher_respawn to be enabled.)
ttt_bodysnatcher_respawn_limit 0 Integer The maximum number of times the Bodysnatcher can respawn. Set to 0 to allow infinite respawns. (Requires ttt_bodysnatcher_respawn to be enabled.)
ttt_bodysnatcher_reveal_independent 1 Integer (0-3) Who the Bodysnatcher is revealed to when they join the independent team:
  1. No one.
  2. Everyone.
  3. Their new team.
  4. Roles that can see jesters.
ttt_bodysnatcher_reveal_innocent 1 Integer (0-3) Who the Bodysnatcher is revealed to when they join the innocent team:
  1. No one.
  2. Everyone.
  3. Their new team.
  4. Roles that can see jesters.
ttt_bodysnatcher_reveal_jester 1 Integer (0-3) Who the Bodysnatcher is revealed to when they join the jester team:
  1. No one.
  2. Everyone.
  3. Their new team.
  4. Roles that can see jesters.
ttt_bodysnatcher_reveal_monster 1 Integer (0-3) Who the Bodysnatcher is revealed to when they join the monster team:
  1. No one.
  2. Everyone.
  3. Their new team.
  4. Roles that can see jesters.
ttt_bodysnatcher_reveal_traitor 1 Integer (0-3) Who the Bodysnatcher is revealed to when they join the traitor team:
  1. No one.
  2. Everyone.
  3. Their new team.
  4. Roles that can see jesters.
ttt_bodysnatcher_show_role 1 Boolean Whether the bodysnatching device shows the role of the corpse it is used on or not.
ttt_bodysnatcher_swap_mode 0 Integer (0-2) What should be swapped when a bodysnatcher uses their device on a corpse:
  1. Nothing.
  2. Role.
  3. Identity (role, model, name, location). (Also respawns the target)
(Requires ttt_bodysnatcher_destroy_body to be disabled.)
ttt_bodysnatcher_update_scoreboard 0 Boolean Whether the Bodysnatcher shows dead players as missing in action. (Requires ttt_bodysnatcher_is_independent to be enabled.)

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Clown pretends to be a Jester until someone is about to win, then they become an independent and can deal damage and must kill everyone else to win.

When the Clown becomes an independent (or 'activates'), their role is revealed to all players unless ttt_clown_hide_when_active is enabled.

The Clown has access to a shop, but by default it is only available once they activate. The ttt_clown_shop_active_only and ttt_clown_shop_delay ConVars can change the behavior of when the shop is available and what happens when it's used.

When the Clown activates they can optionally receive a full heal or bonus health above their maximum. ttt_clown_heal_on_activate and ttt_clown_heal_bonus can be used to configure this as detailed in the ConVars table below.

The Clown can be allowed to use traitor traps once they activate by enabling ttt_clown_use_traps_when_active.

Players can have an icon above their head that is visible to the Clown through walls by enabling ttt_clown_show_target_icon.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_clown_activation_credits 0 Integer The number of credits to give the Clown when they are activated.
ttt_clown_activation_pct 0 Float The percentage of players remaining before the clown is activated (e.g. 0.5 = 50% of players remain). Set to 0 to only activate when a team would win
ttt_clown_can_see_jesters 1 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via overhead icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to the Clown after they activate.
ttt_clown_credits_starting 0 Integer The number of credits a Clown should start with.
ttt_clown_damage_bonus 0 Float Damage bonus that the Clown has after being activated. (e.g. 0.5 = 50% more damage.)
ttt_clown_heal_bonus 0 Integer The amount of bonus health to give the Clown if they are healed when they are activated.
ttt_clown_heal_on_activate 0 Boolean Whether the Clown should fully heal when they activate or not.
ttt_clown_hide_when_active 0 Boolean Whether the Clown should be hidden from other players' overhead icons when they are activated. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_clown_shop_active_only 1 Boolean Whether the Clown's shop should be available only after they activate.
ttt_clown_shop_delay 0 Boolean Whether the Clown's purchased shop items should be held until they activate.
ttt_clown_shop_mode 0 Integer (0-4) What additional items are available to the Clown in the shop:
  1. (Disabled) Nothing.
  2. (Union) Weapons available to either the Traitor or the Detective.
  3. (Intersect) Only weapons available to both the Traitor and the Detective.
  4. (Detective) All weapons available to the Detective.
  5. (Traitor) All weapons available to the Traitor.
ttt_clown_show_target_icon 0 Boolean Whether the Clown has an icon over other players' heads showing who to kill. (Server or round must be restarted for changes to take effect.)
ttt_clown_update_scoreboard 1 Boolean Whether the Clown shows dead players as missing in action after they activate.
ttt_clown_use_traps_when_active 0 Boolean Whether the Clown can see and use traitor traps when they are activated.
ttt_single_drunk_clown 0 Boolean Whether only a single Drunk or Clown should spawn in a round.
ttt_single_drunk_clown_chance 0.5 Float (0-1) The chance that a Drunk should have an opportunity to spawn instead of a Clown. (e.g. 0.7 = 70% chance forDrunk, 30% chance for Clown. Requires ttt_single_drunk_clown to be enabled.)

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Cupid can use their bow to make two players fall in love. Those players then win and die together.

Shooting a player with Cupid's bow will cause them to become a lover. This is an effect applied to that player, and it does not replace their role.

Once two players are lovers their roles are revealed to each other, and they can win the game together by surviving until the end of the round or being the last two players (other than the Cupid) alive. If one lover dies, the other one also dies immediately.

When Cupid makes two players fall in love, other players are notified. The ttt_cupid_lovers_notify_mode ConVar configures who is notified as detailed in the ConVars table below.

By default, lovers are unable to deal damage to the Cupid but can damage each other. The ttt_cupid_can_damage_lovers, ttt_cupid_lovers_can_damage_cupid, and ttt_cupid_lovers_can_damage_lovers ConVars configure who can and can't deal damage to who.

The Cupid can see lovers through walls if ttt_cupid_lover_vision_enabled is enabled.

The Cupid can optionally be an independent instead of being a jester by enabling ttt_cupid_is_independent.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_cupid_arrow_hitscan 0 Boolean Whether the cupid's arrow should be an instant hit instead of a projectile
ttt_cupid_arrow_speed_mult 1 Float (0.1-1.5) The speed multiplier for the cupid's arrow. (Requires ttt_cupid_arrow_hitscan to be disabled.)
ttt_cupid_can_damage_lovers 0 Boolean Whether Cupid should be able to damage the lovers.
ttt_cupid_can_see_jesters 0 Boolean Whether jesters are revealed (via overhead icons, color/icon on the scoreboard, etc.) to Cupid. (Requires ttt_cupid_is_independent to be enabled.)
ttt_cupid_is_independent 0 Boolean Whether Cupids should be treated as members of the independent team.
ttt_cupid_lover_vision_enabled 1 Boolean Whether the lovers can see outlines of each other through walls.
ttt_cupid_lovers_can_damage_cupid 0 Boolean Whether the lovers should be able to damage Cupid.
ttt_cupid_lovers_can_damage_lovers 1 Boolean Whether the lovers should be able to damage each other.
ttt_cupid_lovers_notify_mode 1 Integer (0-3) Who is notified with Cupid makes two players fall in love:
  1. No one.
  2. Everyone.
  3. Traitors.
  4. Innocents.
ttt_cupid_update_scoreboard 0 Boolean Whether Cupid shows dead players as missing in action. (Requires ttt_cupid_is_independent to be enabled.)

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Guesser must guess another player's role to swap roles with them. If they guess wrong, they die.

The Guesser is immune to almost all forms of damage. However as players attempt to deal damage to the Guesser, the attacker's team and role will be revealed to the Guesser after an amount of damage determined by ttt_guesser_show_team_threshold and ttt_guesser_show_role_threshold has been prevented.

The Guesser is unable to guess detectives unless ttt_guesser_can_guess_detectives is enabled. They are also unable to guess the Loot Goblin or the Zombie by default, but this list of unguessable roles can be configured with ttt_guesser_unguessable_roles as detailed in the ConVars table below.

Players will be notified if there is a Guesser at the start of the round if ttt_guesser_warn_all is enabled.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_guesser_can_guess_detectives 0 Boolean Whether the Guesser is allowed to guess detectives.
ttt_guesser_minimum_radius 5 Float The minimum radius of the Guesser's device in meters. (Set to 0 to disable.)
ttt_guesser_show_role_threshold 100 Integer The amount of damage that needs to be dealt to a Guesser before they learn the attacker's role.
ttt_guesser_show_team_threshold 50 Integer The amount of damage that needs to be dealt to a Guesser before they learn the attacker's team.
ttt_guesser_unguessable_roles "lootgoblin,zombie" String Names of roles that cannot be guessed by the Guesser, separated with commas. (Do not include spaces or capital letters.)
ttt_guesser_warn_all 0 Boolean Whether all players are warned when there's a Guesser in a round.

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Jester wins the round if they can get another player to kill them.

If ttt_jester_win_by_traitors is disabled, traitors will be able to kill the Jester without causing the Jester to win.

When the Jester uses a health station their max health will be reduced instead of healing like normal, giving the illusion of gaining health to other players. This can be disabled by disabling ttt_jester_healthstation_reduce_max.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_jester_credits_starting 0 Integer The number of credits a jester should start with.
ttt_jester_healthstation_reduce_max 1 Boolean Whether the jester's max health should be reduced to match their current health when using a health station, instead of being healed.
ttt_jester_win_by_traitors 1 Boolean Whether the jester will win the round if they are killed by a traitor.
ttt_jester_win_ends_round 1 Boolean Whether the jester winning causes the round to end.
ttt_single_jester_swapper 0 Boolean Whether only a single jester or Swapper should spawn in a round.
ttt_single_jester_swapper_chance 0.5 Float (0-1) The chance that a jester should have an opportunity to spawn instead of a Swapper. (e.g. 0.7 = 70% chance for jester, 30% chance for Swapper. Requires ttt_single_jester_swapper to be enabled.)

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Loot Goblin is revealed to all players and drops random shop items when they die. They win if they can survive until the end of the round.

At the start of each round, the Loot Gobling will be given a random amount of time between ttt_lootgoblin_activation_timer and ttt_lootgoblin_activation_timer_max before they activate.

Once they activate, other players are notified. The ttt_lootgoblin_announce ConVar configures who is notified as detailed in the ConVars table below.

Activated Loot Goblins are smaller, faster, and regenerate health over time. The ttt_lootgoblin_regen_delay, ttt_lootgoblin_regen_mode, ttt_lootgoblin_regen_rate, ttt_lootgoblin_size, ttt_lootgoblin_speed_mult, and ttt_lootgoblin_sprint_recovery ConVars can be used to configure these as detailed in the ConVars table below.

The activated Loot Goblin will jingle as they move unless ttt_lootgoblin_jingle_enabled is disabled. They will also cackle at random intervals unless ttt_lootgoblin_cackle_enabled is disabled. The time between cackles is randomly chosen between ttt_lootgoblin_cackle_timer_min and ttt_lootgoblin_cackle_timer_max.

Players will see an icon above the activated Loot Goblin's head and in the scoreboard unless ttt_lootgoblin_active_display is disabled.

A radar can also be enabled with ttt_lootgoblin_radar_enabled that will frequently show the Loot Goblin's previous location. ttt_lootgoblin_radar_timer determines the time between radar updates and ttt_lootgoblin_radar_delay determines how many seconds behind the Loot Goblin's current location the radar should show.

If an activated Loot Goblin is killed they will drop a random selection of shop weapons. The number of weapons they drop is determined by ttt_lootgoblin_weapons_dropped. Killing the Loot Goblin before they activate will not cause them to drop weapons.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_lootgoblin_activation_timer 30 Integer Minimum time in seconds before the Loot Goblin is revealed.
ttt_lootgoblin_activation_timer_max 60 Integer Maximum time in seconds before the Loot Goblin is revealed.
ttt_lootgoblin_active_display 1 Boolean Whether to show the Loot Goblin's information over their head and on the scoreboard once they are activated.
ttt_lootgoblin_announce 4 Integer (0-4) The logic to use when notifying players that a Loot Goblin has been revealed:
  1. Don't notify anyone.
  2. Only notify traitors and detective.
  3. Only notify traitors.
  4. Only notify detective.
  5. Notify everyone.
ttt_lootgoblin_cackle_enabled 1 Boolean Whether to play a cackle sound periodically when a Loot Goblin is activated.
ttt_lootgoblin_cackle_timer_max 12 Integer The maximum time between Loot Goblin cackles.
ttt_lootgoblin_cackle_timer_min 4 Integer The minimum time between Loot Goblin cackles.
ttt_lootgoblin_drop_timer 0 Integer How often in seconds the Loot Goblin should drop a piece of loot behind them.
ttt_lootgoblin_jingle_enabled 1 Boolean Whether to play a jingle sound when an activated Loot Goblin is moving.
ttt_lootgoblin_radar_delay 15 Integer How delayed in seconds the radar ping for the Loot Goblin should be.
ttt_lootgoblin_radar_enabled 0 Boolean Whether the radar ping for the Loot Goblin should be enabled or not.
ttt_lootgoblin_radar_timer 15 Integer How often in seconds the radar ping for the Loot Goblin should update.
ttt_lootgoblin_regen_delay 0 Integer The length of the delay in seconds before the Loot Goblin's health will start to regenerate.
ttt_lootgoblin_radar_beep_sound_override 0 Integer (0-2) Forces all players to have the loot goblin radar sound on/off
  1. Let user decide.
  2. Force on.
  3. Force off.
ttt_lootgoblin_regen_mode 2 Integer (0-3) Whether the Loot Goblin should regenerate health and using what logic
  1. No regeneration.
  2. Constant regen while active.
  3. Regen while standing still.
  4. Regen after taking damage.
ttt_lootgoblin_regen_rate 3 Integer How often in seconds a Loot Goblin should regain health while regenerating.
ttt_lootgoblin_size 0.5 Float The size multiplier for the Loot Goblin to use when they are revealed. (e.g. 0.5 = 50% size.)
ttt_lootgoblin_speed_mult 1.2 Float The multiplier to use on the Loot Goblin's movement speed when they are activated. (e.g. 1.2 = 120% normal speed.)
ttt_lootgoblin_sprint_recovery 0.12 Float The amount of stamina to recover per tick when the Loot Goblin is activated.
ttt_lootgoblin_weapons_dropped 8 Integer How many weapons the Loot Goblin drops when they are killed.

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Sponge has a visible aura that absorbs damage that would be dealt to nearby players and wins the round if they die.

If all players are inside the Sponge's aura, it will turn red and stop working, allowing players to damage each other as normal.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_sponge_aura_float_time 0 Integer The amount of time (in seconds) a player can spend outside the Sponge's aura before they are no longer considered inside.
ttt_sponge_aura_mode 0 Integer (0-1) The way in which the Sponge's aura redirects damage:
  1. Redirects damage unless all living players are inside the aura.
  2. Redirects damage unless the attacker and the victim are both inside the aura.
ttt_sponge_aura_radius 5 Float The radius of the Sponge's aura in meters.
ttt_sponge_aura_shrink 1 Boolean Whether the Sponge's aura should shrink when players die.
ttt_sponge_device_time 8 Integer The amount of time (in seconds) the spongifier takes to use.
ttt_sponge_device_for_* 0 Boolean Whether a specific jester role should get the spongifier. Replace * with the name of the jester role you want to configure without spaces or capital letters.
ttt_sponge_device_for_*_heal 0 Boolean Whether a specific jester role should be fully healed when using the spongifier. Replace * with the name of the jester role you want to configure without spaces or capital letters.

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.


The Swapper swaps roles with their killer instead of dying.

After swapping, the killer's new health and max health are determined by ttt_swapper_killer_health and ttt_swapper_killer_max_health. Setting ttt_swapper_killer_health to 0 will kill the Swapper's killer. They will still swap roles even if they die.

After the Swapper swaps roles, their new health is determined by ttt_swapper_respawn_health.

When the Swapper uses a health station their max health will be reduced instead of healing like normal, giving the illusion of gaining health to other players. This can be disabled by disabling ttt_swapper_healthstation_reduce_max.

When swapping with another player, some or all weapons can also be swapped between the two players. By default, only role specific weapons will swap between the two players, but this can be configured with ttt_swapper_weapon_mode as detailed in the ConVars table below.

The Swapper also interacts with Cupid's lovers such that when two players swap roles, their lovers (if any) will also be swapped. This can be disabled by disabling ttt_swapper_swap_lovers.

Role Configuration:

ConVar Default Type Description
ttt_swapper_credits_starting 0 Integer The number of credits a Swapper should start with.
ttt_swapper_healthstation_reduce_max 1 Boolean Whether the Swapper's max health should be reduced to match their current health when using a health station, instead of being healed.
ttt_swapper_killer_health 100 Integer The amount of health the Swapper's killer should set to. Set to "0" to kill them. (Only applies if ttt_swapper_killer_swap is enabled)
ttt_swapper_killer_max_health 0 Integer The maximum health value to set on the Swapper's killer. Set to "0" to use the Swapper's default. (Only applies if ttt_swapper_killer_swap is enabled)
ttt_swapper_killer_swap 1 Boolean Whether to the swapper's killer should become the new swapper.
ttt_swapper_respawn_health 100 Integer What amount of health to give the Swapper when they are killed and respawned.
ttt_swapper_swap_lovers 1 Boolean Whether the Swapper should swap lovers with their attacker or not.
ttt_swapper_weapon_mode 1 Integer (0-2) How to handle weapons when the Swapper is killed:
  1. Don't swap anything.
  2. Swap role weapons if there are any.
  3. Swap all weapons.
ttt_single_jester_swapper 0 Boolean Whether only a single jester or Swapper should spawn in a round.
ttt_single_jester_swapper_chance 0.5 Float (0-1) The chance that a jester should have an opportunity to spawn instead of a Swapper. (e.g. 0.7 = 70% chance for jester, 30% chance for Swapper. Requires ttt_single_jester_swapper to be enabled.)

A list of ConVars shared by every role and instructions for using ConVars can be found on the Configuring ConVars tutorial page.

The following roles can be configured to be an jester instead of their default team: Infected and Shadow.